Thursday, February 19, 2009

First few shots from the new toy - Nikon AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm lens

As 60mm micros are normally used best for stills, I therefore 'nicked' Pinky's engagement and wedding rings for experiment !



Here are the 'magnified' diamond engagement ring pics. It looks big, but actually it isn't......I remember its only a 0.25 carat thingee. As you can see, there are some 'out of focus' areas when magnified. Indication of the need to hone my micro picture taking skills !



The above two I thought were much better, the wedding date and our initials are fairly clear.


moms tales said...

this is so neat! This lens has been on my wish-list for a while now. Actually, it was a toss btwn this and the new 50mm. But heart is still on this. And from the looks of it, it's a good buy eh..:-D

Lemonjude said...

Enjoy playing with it...I still not so familiar with lenses and all, after all I still don't own a DSLR yet...but enjoy looking at nice pic now...