Thursday, December 03, 2009

Alicia's Birth Story

I have never blogged about Jeremy's birth story which if told in greater detail was vastly different from Alicia's birth - the only similarity being the fact that both were delivered in the same hospital by the same doctor and were born approximately the same time ( Jeremy was born at 10.55 am whereas Alicia was born at 11.10 am). Nevertheless as I regale you readers out there with what happened at Alicia's birth, I shall also punctuate my recent experience with snippets of what occured just before Jeremy came into this world three and half years ago.

Firstly, with Jeremy, I never did a birth plan not even a simple one of what I really wanted. I was practically clueless about babies except for buying the essentials and even then I didn't get enough clothes and other stuff. I didn't read up on breastfeeding thinking that it was a skill that would come naturally to a mother. I went for my pre-natal classes but couldn't remember a thing about the breathing exercises that the midwife taught us during the class. Essentially, I just let nature takes its course and prayed that he was normal and healthy upon delivery. As such, I was unhappy with certain aspects and things that took place pre, during and the post birth period.

Anyway, a month before Alicia's due date, I was already feeling very tired and nauseous due to the weight that I was carrying. Walking up and down the building during lunch time was becoming a chore but I told myself that I needed the exercise and a hearty lunch as well to keep the energy up. I had very severe heartburn during this period and took 2 days off in the middle of October to relax. By 29 October, I told myself that I need a couple of days break as my back was aching tremedously and as such had trouble concentrating on work. On 30 October, when I went to the gynae for my weekly check up, I was told that delivery will not be imminent as my cervix was still shut tight. So I happily went home to relax with Jeremy. By Halloween morning, I felt some light contractions which I thought were merely Braxton Hicks contractions. We went to La Bodega for breakfast and then in the early afternoon attended Jeremy's playschool. The contractions were becoming painful but were still very far apart i.e one contraction per hour or 1.5 hours. It started getting even more painful during dinner time but they were still far apart. By midnight as I lay in bed not getting any sleep due to the contractions, I started to time them more properly. To us, we thought it was Braxton Hicks as the doctor assured us that the birth is not imminent and there were no bloody show or any other indications that she was ready to enter the world. At approximately 4am, the contractions begun to get closer ie 10 minutes apart and they were so painful that it begun to radiate beyond the lower back. I told Brain that we needed to go NOW - PRONTO as I can't even stand up properly due to the excruciating pain. We bundled Jeremy into the car and headed to my parents place to drop him off before cruising down the empty Federal Highway towards Sunway Medical Centre. I was wheeled to the delivery suite where the midwife checked my dilation and pronounced that I was already 7 cm dilated!!! With Jeremy, it was barely 1.5 cm when I checked myself into the hospital and had the epidural drip fixed up. Here I was 7 cm dilated and begging the midwife for an epidural - she said it may not work since I'm practically going to give birth soon. Nevertheless, the anesthetist on call was on the way to the hospital at the ungodly hour of 4am on a Sunday and my doctor was also called immediately. As I waited for the anesthetist, I was already beside myself due to the extreme pain. The midwife gave me some gas and taught me some breathing exercises which helped me to forget the pain momentarily. By the time the anesthetist got in, I was asking him questions about whether it was possible to have a spinal block if the epidural fail to work. He didn't recommend it and assured me that the epidural would still work even when I'm 8cm dilated. It did work but for some strange reasons I could still feel the painful contractions on one side . The midwife told me that it is possible that the effects of the epidural didn't not reach that side of my uterus. Great! So I was still in pain albeit on one side!! So I started doing the breathing exercises to forget the pain. With Jeremy, I did not even feel the contractions from beginning to the end - what a difference! When the time came to push, it just came naturally cos I could still feel the contractions despite the epidural. It took me fives pushes and the doctor's assistance with the vaccum before Alicia came out with the blood splattered and all that grossed out stuff. I must say that it was quite an experience - why? Because with Jeremy, I had a C-section due to fetal distress i.e his heart rate was dropping and as such, they had get me into the operating theatre (Brain wasn't even allowed to be with me! ), cut me up and get him out as quick as possible.

As part of my birth plan for Alicia, I have asked the doctor whether a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section) was possible as with C-section, the recovery was slow and I could barely hold Jeremy when I stood up due to the pain of the incision. Plus, due to the pain, nursing was difficult and I gave up easily. Hence Jeremy was given formula from the start. The doctor was supportive and said that given her weight, VBAC was definitely possible but a vaccum delivery is required in order to reduce the stress of the delivery on the previous C-section incision even though the wound has healed. So that became the first part of my birth plan for Alicia : TO HAVE A NATURAL BIRTH. Thankfully, it went well and with the support of the midwives in the delivery room who were very very patient and encouraging, it was made possible although I did have a slight tear and the doctor had to stitch me up!

Alicia was brought to me 2 hours later for me to nurse and latched on to me asap. So that was the second part of my birth plan for Alicia: TO EXCLUSIVELY BREASTFEED ALICIA FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. As mentioned earlier, with Jeremy, due to my C-section, he was fed formula right from the start and as such, was a colicky baby for 3 months - we barely slept and was just exhausted carrying him around to pacify him which of course didn't work most of the time. With Alicia, having read up extensively on breastfeeding and asking questions from every mother I knew who breastfed their kids, I was definitely more prepared this time although I did anxiously wonder whether my milk supply was sufficient for her. Plus, I engaged a lactation consultant to help me if I encountered any problems with breastfeeding. Alicia took to the breast like it was the most natural thing to do and so far, touch wood - she hasn't been colicky and sleeps a lot like most newborns do. She fusses now and then but it is generally due to either she is overtired or has gas trapped in her lower abdomen. The only thing I haven't done is to start stockpiling on EBM so that I can return to work in peace in February!!! Yes, that was another part of my birth plan: TO EXTEND MY MATERNITY LEAVE BY ANOTHER MONTH AND APPLY FOR FLEXI WORKING HOURS so that I can spend more time with the kids. With Alicia, I was discharged from the hospital within 24 hours of her birth whilst with Jeremy I had to stay an extra night due to the C-section wound. Overall, I m beginning to see or notice many differences between caring for Alicia and Jeremy. Maybe I'm trying to undo or correct the mistakes that I have made previously or maybe I'm just more experienced this time around and hence have a better understanding of the baby's cues. In any case, both of them taught me a lot about being a mother caring for a helpless infant and I will cherish these experiences forever.


moms tales said...

Well done Pinky! Congrats again. Most importantly, enjoy the kids cos they grow up real fast.

milkmaid said...

Awww - she's a cutie ! I've left blog world for so long, I didnt know you had your second one ! Congrats Pinky!

Kit said...

How are you doing? I have been:

a)sleeping when baby sleeps
b) drinking more fluids and
c) pumping the boob she doesn't feed on, which doesn't have much anyway.

I've had to supplement the mornings mostly because she tires me out by waking up and refusing to sleep.

Thus, she's on the boobs at 6.30/7.30 am and sleeps till 10 am. I'll breastfeed her until she lets go willingly and falls asleep.

However, sudden noises esp from the kitchen startle her and she'll look for them again but by 12.30 pm, my nipples are sore, I'm sooo sleepy and hungry!

Since she sleeps quite soundly at night, waking only every 4-5 hours, I've started pumping the boob she's not feeding on to boost its output.

Hopefully, I'd be able build some supply to bottle feed her during the day and breastfeed direct during the night. Can't stand it anymore :P

Do enjoy bonding and breastfeeding with Alycia as that's your plan and you've got a legion of family & friends behind you :)