Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Alicia - 5 to 7 months

Key milestones and observations:

1. Ability to recognise daddy and mommy

2. Unlike Jeremy, she seems a cautious girl. Only feels comfortable with people familiar to her.

3. First long trip to Penang. But easier to handle than Jeremy. She seems contended sitting in the bassinet. No whining nor crying whatsoever.

4. Physically more active and likes to experiment in standing by stepping on daddy and mommy's belly

5. No issue with hair washing using hand shower. No sign fear and whining too. truly an independent gal in the making (I hope!!)

6. Very serious gal. It takes quite an effort to make her smile and laugh. But somehow, big brother has his ways......ie the only one who can entertain her well at this juncture

Mar-May 10208
Ever serious Alicia

May-Jun 10241
Smiley Alicia - A rare moment

May-Jun 10243
Intellectual look

May-Jun 10016
Bonding with the brother

1 comment:

Mamapumpkin said...

She is so cute! Is your son still at CH? Are you planning on sending Alicia to their nesting programme? :-)