Wednesday, September 05, 2007

14th Month milestones and other stuff

I have been taking a backseat from blogging for quite a while and Brain has been trying to spice up the blog with masculine topics which may or may not draw interest from readers who are predominantly mothers. *lol* Although I must agree with his point of view on most of the issues in the last post. Besides, Brain's deep seeded fascination with cars can be traced as far back as his early childhood days and yes, he just got ..... JENG JENG JENG!... a new car... arriving in November and it's BLACK. And of course, he had to seek my approval before we placed the deposit.

Not exactly a practical family car for most people out there... most will go "Are you nuts? Have you lost your mind?". I guess this is what happens when you let your heart rule your mind. It's a great vehicle to drive but the ride for the passengers at the back of the car is another matter.... think --- horse drawn carriage or wagon with passengers crossing the rugged terrain of the American West in the early 19 century. Anyway, got to get used to the bone shaker *lol* and Brain says he will change the tyres if Jeremy and myself can't tahan the ride at the back on our long sojourn journeys around Malaysia.

We will be selling our little red car this month to fund the purchase so Brain and myself will have to commute to and fro from work in one car from now on until November.

Frankly speaking, although the drive and handling is fantastic ( I did 140kph on a test run last month on a not so busy freeway), look wise, the new car doesn't fit my wholesome, mother of one image! It gives the impression that either I'm a tomboy or the car is definitely not MINE to start with.

I told Brain that had I been single with dosh to dole out, it would definitely be a WOGGIE albeit a green lime Beetle like the pic below.

On to the matter as to why I have not been blogging lately or posting any new pictures of Jeremy.... well it appears that this correlates with the increase separation anxiety levels that Master Jeremy has started as exhibit as he gets older. Either this or it is just plain bad behaviour. It started with me trying to blog during his bedtime a couple of weeks ago. His bedtime has now shifted to 10.30pm thanks to his fascination with Noddy and his motor car. He's simply glued to this segment which starts at 10.00pm and ends around 10.30pm. Sometimes, if Tiny Planets is on he will watch that too. If I interrupt the program by switching off the TV, he will glare at me, point to the TV and utter in consternation... URRGH! And if I dun switch on the TV again, he will literally throw a fit and wail till his eyes and face turn purple with anger. A 14 month old raging? Uncommon but true.

Anyway, he will hop off to zzzland to sleep at 10.30pm, while I quietly slip downstairs to my study room to blog. Half an hour later, the tyke would wake up in the darkened room, climb down the bed, and head for the bedroom door , wailing at the top of his lungs and start banging the door. I have to run up, pacify him and sleep next to him for the rest of the night. So there goes my blogging time. It's been like that for the last 1 month so bear with me while I get some pics of him up and running on the blog.

Here's a run down of his current emotional and physical development:-
Height : I think he's around 83 cm
Weight: getting heavier.
Physical development: Can't walk yet. Still crawling and crusing at lightning speed.
Word association: Bought him loads of books in relation to baby's first words and he knows the words associated with the objects or items in the books.
First words: Car Car. Clock Clock. Cup Cup Dia-per. A-pple. Yeah He can say all of these but not mummy or daddy.
Foodwise - still on his oat porridge with fish and assorted vegies. Loves bread

He likes gymborree classes and does not cry anymore. He is eager to participate in all the activities especially going up and down the ramps including the parachute ride with the other tots. Will post pictures this week later.

Workwise for me, we are all moving to a new office in the next couple of weeks. So a lot of packing and purging to be done from now till then. Location wise, it will only take me 10 mins to get to office now - hurray! Food wise, the place really sucks during lunch time unless you want to have hot spicy food for the rest of your career here.


milkmaid said...

HiPinky - welcome back... and yes, it was quite obvious right from the first sentence that it was the Brain blogging the last 2 posts..*lol*

Ditto on this separation anxiety thingie. Aiden does the same to me when I am around, sigh.

Anyhow, look forward to hearing about the new set of wheels ~ errr X3, X5, XC90? teeheehee

Pinky said...

Honestly, we can't afford these 4 wheelers and, expensive ones too! It's just a medium size family sedan.