Friday, September 14, 2007

Jeremy is 15 months old today

Just took Master Jeremy for his booster pneumoccocal jab this morning. The injection was on his thigh and he just gave a yelp but that was it. Didn't cry at all.

Vital Statistics:
Height: Still the same ... a little over 81 cm
Weight: 11 kg on the dot. Getting heavier but still cruising and not walking independently. Paed said that there was nothing to worry about as it would be a matter of time before he starts taking his first unassisted steps.

He will be going for his booster triple antigen jab in December during his 18 months old check up. I was a bit concerned about this particular vaccination as I have heard from colleagues that side effects could include numbness and pain in the leg which could persist for more than 24 hours and this may hamper his ability to walk for a day or two. However, the paed reassured me that the above side effects only affects 1% of the baby population. I hope he is right .. anyway I plan to take leave during the vaccination period in December to care for him.

Apart from that, he will be taking his first Hepatitis A jab in December as well and the second jab 6 months later. Since he is taking only home cooked food at the moment except for the occassional bread and sometimes mashed potato provided by the restaurants outside, we felt that the jab could be delayed for awhile. Apparently if you constantly feed you child food outside the home, the above jab should be administered as soon as possible even after the age of 1. As we intend to take him for his first overseas holiday (not counting Singapore) sometime after his 2nd birthday - the timing of the injection couldn't be more perfect!

Will upload more photos this weekend if time is on my side.

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