Sunday, June 15, 2008

Indiana Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Since Jeremy came along, going to the cinema has become a rarity. Nevertheless, if there is one good show comes along, we will strive to make time for the cinemas rather than waiting for it to come along to Astro or DVD platform. And of course given that both of us grew up with Dr Jones during the our impressionable age, when the 4th instalment of Indiana Jones comes to town, we decided to pack off from the office early last Thursday to renew our interest on Indy.

Interestingly, I asked one of my colleague how was the show, his reply was short and snap: "Oklah, but not gonna be memorable for me." I thought to myself: " Huh, one of those young punks, must be one of the Gen Y thing again.....never happy in anything !" So off I went with high hopes that Indy will entertain me well again.

Anyway, when we walked out of GSC Mid Valley after the show, Pinky asked me what do I think. My immediate response was " OK I wasn't very satisfied. The antics were not new and ideas seemed not original". Actually Pinky also shared similar feeling as me.

After much thought and putting my logical thinking cap on, the biggest difference I feel is that the period when the first three shows were launched as compared to the current one - A 20 year gap. In between this period, viewers like us were pampered with sophisticated special effects like those in Lord Of the Rings, Harry Potter and Matrix. Indy nowadays seem ancient and it has not moved with times since the first three were launched.

Well to sum up, all I can say is that movies like LOTR and Matrix really have raised the people's expectations on action movies, but if one is looking at storylines/movies that bring us back to the good memories we had during our growing years, Indy 4 is still one heck of a good action adventure movie to enjoy.

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