Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jeremy is 16 months old today

Yup he's a big boy now and can be a handful these days. We took him to his first Raya Open House yesterday and as usual, he was fidgety and restless. Wanted to move around. And boy did he move - he moved the table cloth and spilt someone's drink which was on the coffee table. Next he wanted to fiddle with some exotic ornamental ducks on display at the same table. I had a hard time distracting him until someone took him out to look at the swimming pool and he was just mesmerized by the water in the blue pool.

Some stats as usual:

Weight: I guess more than 11 kg now but I wouldn'y know his exact weight until his next check up in December.
Height: I have no clue either since he is still not walking and still cruising. Seems afraid to let go but then I think since the location of his centre of gravity is high, he is having a hard time figuring out how to balance himself.
Food intake: Still on Progress Gold 3 times a day. He has oat porridge for lunch and dinner mixed with assorted vegies which include amongst other things, celery, carrots, pumpkin ,broccoli and cauliflower. The vegies are mixed with fish or half an egg yolk.
Vocab wise: Favourite word is car. But he can say diaper, clock, cup, book, dog, light and star.

Here are some pics of him taken yesterday after his morning nap.

On another note, we are thinking of getting a lightweight umbrella stroller for him as the current 3-1 Graco Travel System is just too cumbersome and bulky for long journeys and overseas travel. It doesn't leave much boot space for our luggages and stuff when we are travelling. Any suggestions for a good umbrella stroller - I heard the Mclaren Volo is good and I may get it for him before our Singapore trip. Maybe I'll get it in Singapore since I heard it's much cheaper over there. Till then, enjoy the rest of the Raya Hols


jazzmint said...

yaya mclaren is good..very light :).

Jules said...

Jeremy looked so handsome now hehehe :)

Pinky said...

Jazzmint: Everyone seems to be recommending this stroller as it is only 4.5kg. I'm looking for one for less than SDG195 (RM499 in Malaysia). Not sure where to look for it in Singapore

Julian: thankee - he has a lot more hair now and getting cheekier by the day.

Ms J said...

he's a cutie, your little one! my little turkey is 10 months today and i am already suffering anxiety attacks about him leaving home for college!

Nadia said...

Jeremy's soooo adorable! Can I pinch his cheeks, pretty please? Heh!

Pinky said...

Ms J : Thanks for taking the time to drop by. I'm sorry to hear that you have stopped blogging. Your posts are mighty interesting!

Nadia: Thanks - I can't get into your blog - need password and username. Can you e-mail it to me at Thanks

milkmaid said...

My my - little Jeremy is beginning to look more and more like Brain these days..:)